The Drywall Takeoff Software You Need

Point & click to get your project's square footage and estimate how many drywall sheets and materials are required.

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Trusted by 1,000+ construction companies

Drywall contractors like our software for its simplicity

With its easy-to-use interface, Buildee allows you to take off your drywall materials quantities from any blueprints within seconds. Simply point and click your drawings, and we'll calculate how many square feet of drywall sheets, joint compound, tape, and everything else you'll need!

Try it for free
Buildee Drywall Takeoff Software screenshot

Accurate Estimations

Our software delivers precise drywall measurements to determine the sheets, joints, or other necessary materials for accurate bids.

Fast Takeoff

Complete drywall surface area in just a few clicks and directly on any PDF plan. Saving you time on every project.

Include waste & odd cuts

Set your typical waste percentage and our software will automatically include it your estimation.

What our customers say.

"Much easier to do takeoff."
"Better at supporting clients."
"A true timesaver."
"Nothing slips through the cracks."
"Much less miscalculations."
"Quicker turnaround."
"Bids are more accurate."
"We got peace of mind."
"Faster at bidding."
"More effective with much less effort."
"Very easy to use."

Go ahead.

Take Buildee for a spin.

7 days Trial. For free.

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Improve Your Takeoff Skills

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Tutorials and guides can enhance a drywall professional's skills, providing tips on techniques and materials, and keeping them up-to-date with industry trends.